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micro-ROS: How to enable multithreading with a custom build static library?

asked 2022-07-03 06:42:57 -0500

markushehn gravatar image

updated 2022-07-04 13:46:18 -0500

Hello everyone,

I want to enable the multithreading capability of micro-ROS with FreeRTOS when I use a custom build static library. How can I do that exactly? I extended the colcon.meta file from as follow:

"names": {
    "tracetools": {
        "cmake-args": [
    "rosidl_typesupport": {
        "cmake-args": [
    "rcl": {
        "cmake-args": [
    "rcutils": {
        "cmake-args": [
    "microxrcedds_client": {
        "cmake-args": [
    "rmw_microxrcedds": {
        "cmake-args": [

Without "-DUCLIENT_PLATFORM_FREERTOS_PLUS_TCP=ON" I get the error: #error XRCE multithreading not supported for this platform. If include the option I get the error: fatal error: FreeRTOS.h: No such file or directoryDo you have any suggestions how the example files "my_custom_toolchain.cmake" and "my_custom_colcon.meta" from should be extended? Thank you very much for your help!

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1 Answer

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answered 2022-07-05 01:32:55 -0500

Pablogs gravatar image

Can you open an issue in the Github micro_ros_setup repo?

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Asked: 2022-07-03 06:42:57 -0500

Seen: 188 times

Last updated: Jul 05 '22