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Multirobot + laser rviz

asked 2012-08-01 22:38:27 -0600

pmarinplaza gravatar image

updated 2014-01-28 17:13:13 -0600

ngrennan gravatar image

I have some troubles to see the laser_scan in a simulation with two robots which have the same description file (urdf) in different group with different namespace.

I launch both in gazebo and works quite good, the robots looks ok but when I launch rviz to see the laser, I select the fixed frame and the target frame of the robot one, I select the robot_description of the robot one and the tfprefix of the robot one. The tf looks great.

I see the robot one in the center of the visual space in rviz. When I try to see the laser_scan, I select the correct topic but I nothing appear, the error is the next:

Transform [sender=/gazebo]
For frame [hokuyo_laser_link]: Frame [hokuyo_laser_link] does not exist

I think the problem come to rviz. Rviz look for the frame described in the urdf robot description and not look for the tf_prefix.

Here my launch file and my tree of tf:

  <!-- send summit_xl.urdf to param server -->
  <group ns="summit_one">
      <param name="robot_description" textfile="$(find summit_xl_description)/urdf/summit_xl.urdf" />
      <node name="spawn_summit" pkg="gazebo" type="spawn_model" args="-urdf -param robot_description -x 0.0 -y 0.0 -z 0.5 -model summit_xl_one" respawn="false" output="screen">        

      <!-- Controller manager parameters -->
      <param name="pr2_controller_manager/mechanism_statistics_publish_rate" value="1.0" />
      <param name="pr2_controller_manager/joint_state_publish_rate" value="100.0" />

      <!-- Robot state publisher -->
      <node pkg="robot_state_publisher" type="state_publisher" name="summit_one_state_publisher" output="screen">
        <param name="publish_frequency" type="double" value="50.0" />
        <remap from="hokuyo_laser_link" to="summit_one/hokuyo_laser_link" />
        <param name="tf_prefix" type="string" value="summit_one" />

      <!-- Diagnostics -->
      <node pkg="pr2_mechanism_diagnostics" type="pr2_mechanism_diagnostics" name="pr2_mechanism_diagnostics_one" />

      <rosparam file="$(find summit_xl_ctrl)/summit_xl_ctrl.yaml" command="load"/>
      <param name="pr2_controller_manager/joint_state_publish_rate" value="100.0" />
      <node name="summit_xl_ctrl" pkg="pr2_controller_manager" type="spawner" args="summit_xl_ctrl" respawn="false" output="screen"/>
      <node pkg="summit_xl_odometry" type="summit_xl_odometry" name="summit_xl_odometry_node" output="screen"/>   

  <group ns="summit_two">     
      <param name="robot_description" textfile="$(find summit_xl_description)/urdf/summit_xl.urdf" />
      <node name="spawn_summit" pkg="gazebo" type="spawn_model" args="-urdf -param robot_description -x 2.0 -y 2.0 -z 0.5 -model summit_xl_two" respawn="false" output="screen" />

      <!-- Controller manager parameters -->
      <param name="pr2_controller_manager/mechanism_statistics_publish_rate" value="1.0" />
      <param name="pr2_controller_manager/joint_state_publish_rate" value="100.0" />

      <!-- Robot state publisher -->
      <node pkg="robot_state_publisher" type="state_publisher" name="summit_two_state_publisher" output="screen">
        <param name="publish_frequency" type="double" value="50.0" />
        <!--remap from="joint_states" to="summit_one/joint_states" /-->
        <param name="tf_prefix" type="string" value="summit_two" />

      <!-- Diagnostics -->
      <node pkg="pr2_mechanism_diagnostics" type="pr2_mechanism_diagnostics" name="pr2_mechanism_diagnostics_two" />  

      <rosparam file="$(find summit_xl_ctrl)/summit_xl_ctrl.yaml" command="load"/>
      <param name="pr2_controller_manager/joint_state_publish_rate" value="100.0" />
      <node name="summit_xl_ctrl" pkg="pr2_controller_manager" type="spawner" args="summit_xl_ctrl" respawn="false" output="screen"/>
      <node pkg="summit_xl_odometry" type="summit_xl_odometry" name="summit_xl_odometry_node" output="screen"/> 



Someone who has the same problem? What should I do with the ghost frames? Is there any way to tell what frame rviz should choose?

Thanks a lot.

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Ok, at last I find the solution. When the tree of tf works fine, we need to lauch rviz node with param like this: <param name="tf_prefix" type="string" value="summit_one" /> and another rviz node with <param name="tf_prefix" type="string" value="summit_two" />

pmarinplaza gravatar image pmarinplaza  ( 2012-08-02 09:13:07 -0600 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2012-08-02 09:38:27 -0600

this post is marked as community wiki

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.

No this is not at all the rviz error. The issue comes from the gazebo_plugins package and in your particular case from the gazebo_ros_laser plugin.

Current implementation in gazebo_ros_laser.cpp is as follows:

240: // Add Frame Name
241: this->laserMsg.header.frame_id = this->frameName;

and earlier

100: this->frameName = _sdf->GetElement("frameName")->GetValueString();

This means that laser scans in the field frame_id of LaserMsg header got whatever you put in the frameName of your gazebo controller declared in urdf.

  <controller:gazebo_ros_laser name="gazebo_ros_laser_controller" plugin="">
    <interface:laser name="gazebo_ros_laser_iface" />

And therefore rviz looks how to tansform scans from the link hokuyo_link but it can only find /summit_one/hokuyo_link and /summit_two/hokuyo_link.

I can see in your launch file that you try to handle that with:

<remap from="hokuyo_laser_link" to="summit_one/hokuyo_laser_link" />

but remapping works only for nodes and topics names, not for tf transformations, we use tf_prefix for that.

The quick and dirty workaround for your problem is to make two copies of your urdf file: one declaring /summit_one/hokuyo_link as frameName and the other with /summit_two/hokuyo_link.

However the proper solution is to introduce tf resolving in gazebo_ros_laser before storing frame_id in message header.

This discussion is also valid for the rest of plugins in gazebo_plugins package. I will issue a ticket for this.

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With the double urdf description and later with the laser patch you can visualize two robots at the same time in one rviz instance.

Jakub gravatar image Jakub  ( 2012-08-02 10:31:57 -0600 )edit
Jakub gravatar image Jakub  ( 2012-08-02 10:32:39 -0600 )edit

Thanks a lot, I'm looking forward the next patch ;)

pmarinplaza gravatar image pmarinplaza  ( 2012-08-03 01:27:58 -0600 )edit

If I want use 20 equal robots, the replication of the urdf won't be the best solution. But, I think we start with 2 simple robots.

pmarinplaza gravatar image pmarinplaza  ( 2012-08-03 01:30:07 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2012-08-01 22:38:27 -0600

Seen: 4,221 times

Last updated: Aug 02 '12