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Track the status of intermediate waypoints ROS navigation

asked 2022-07-27 03:04:59 -0500

electrophod gravatar image

updated 2022-07-27 03:34:34 -0500

Hi guys!

1) So a plan is composed of start_point, intermediate_points and goal_point
2) When I call move_base with a goal_point, it asks global_planner for a plan and starts navigating to the intermediate points and eventually to the goal_point

If my statements 1) and 2) are correct, then,
3) Is there any service which can help me track the status of navigation to these "intermediate points"? As far as i know the current_goal topic has the goal_point published on it and the status topic has the status to the "goal_point" published on it, but there's no API which can help know the status of navigation to the intermediate points.

Any idea how do I deal with this? Thanks ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

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1 Answer

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answered 2022-07-27 08:08:33 -0500

Mike Scheutzow gravatar image

Your step (2) is missing important information: move_base hands off the global plan to the local-planner, then the local-planner executes whatever algorithm it is programmed with. In theory, the local-planner might be designed to completely ignore the global plan.

Some local-planners publish info about their internal state as they do their calculations, maybe including the next internally-selected short-term goal, but I don't think there's any common/shared way this is done. Whether you can get the info depends on which local-planner you are using, or on you enhancing the local-planner with custom code.

So, in the completely general case, I think the only info you can get is the robot's current pose.

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Thanks a lot for the answer! It really clarifies my question and verifies my hypothesis.

electrophod gravatar image electrophod  ( 2022-07-27 22:49:15 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2022-07-27 03:04:59 -0500

Seen: 52 times

Last updated: Jul 27 '22