Turtlebot2 Rviz 2d_pose_estimation and 2d_nav_goal don't work
I am using a remote computer to control my real turtlebot2.
When I roslaunch turtlebot_rviz_launchers view_navigation.launch
and I drag the 2d_Pose_Estimate
button arrow on the map, nothing happens.
I have checked <fixed_frame>
, it's the map, I have checked the /initialpose
, and I get information when I use the pose estimate button but the turtlebot2 does not move at all.
I check my rostopic list
and I see /initialpose
there and everything. I don't get it.
Could I be missing some udev rule thing on my remote PC?
My turtlebot2 uses a Kinect camera as sensor, 2d_Pose_Estimate
works on theros_master_uri
laptop the turtlebot2 is physically connected to.
I can see that I am publishing to the /initialpose
on the terminal, but the robot still does not move in Rviz.
In the laptop physically connected to the turtlebot2, I have ROS_MASTER_URI
and ROS_IP
set to the IP of the robot. On the other Remote PC I have ROS_MASTER_URI
set to the IP of the robot, and ROS_IP
set to the IP of the remote PC. Did I do it wrong?
Can you add in the edit a picture from the
of your nodes and their connections? Can you ping IP addresses both ways (robot <--> remote PC
)? Does standard check talker/listener works for you?@ljaniec When I switch the camera to realsense, it works now for some reason. I had another question about path planning for turtlebot2. Is there some topic that telle you that a plan cant be generated? I have a fuller explanaition of my question here
I think you should post this as an answer, because this is some way to solve this problem :)
@ljaniec I need help with another turtlebot2 question, my remote PC cannot connect with ROS Master for some reason. Please check it here