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share compiled msg

asked 2023-01-03 01:59:52 -0500

fury.nerd gravatar image

hi, i have write a interface/msg test_msgs pkg in ros2 galactic, and succesful compiled in cpp env; i wish to share the compiled headers to another project to make a integrated compile, i remember in foxy i just copy the /instal/test_msgs/include to the main project and then include these headers properly, but in galactic looks like the method does not work.

did i missing something or is there a example i can follow?


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the main project compile errors are something like undefined reference torosidl_message_type_support_t const* rosidl_typesupport_cpp::get_message_type_support_handle<test_msgs...`< p="">

fury.nerd gravatar image fury.nerd  ( 2023-01-03 02:04:33 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2023-02-14 20:27:05 -0500

fury.nerd gravatar image

to anyone who seek similiar use-case (and myself memo):

include header files in include, and target link lib/*.so when compile, following cmake for reference:






target_link_libraries(app -l${msg_pkg_name})


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Asked: 2023-01-03 01:59:52 -0500

Seen: 307 times

Last updated: Feb 14 '23