Navigation goals not working with laser, sonar and slam_toolbox
Hi there,
my platform is an "almost turtlebot4": we have a create3 platform with a lidar and an array of 7 ultrasound sensors. For navigating we use the turtlebot4 stack (Ros-Galactic). More specifically we can
CONFIG1. build a map with slam toolbox launching the following configuration:
ros2 launch turtlebot4_navigation slam:=async base_frame:=base_link params_file:=my_robot.yaml
CONFIG2. correctly (and by that I mean navigating using both laser and sonar) navigate the built map (previously obtained by CONFIG1) with the following command:
ros2 launch turtlebot4_navigation slam:=off localization:=true base_frame:=base_link map:=$PWD/the_map_create_at_point1.yaml params_file:=my_robot.yaml
CONFIG3: temporarily obtain the desired behavior until a pose estimate is issued by RVIZ2
ros2 launch turtlebot4_navigation slam:=synclocalization:=true base_frame:=base_link map:=$PWD/the_map_create_at_point1.yaml params_file:=my_robot.yaml
However, when using CONFIG1 (with the slam parameter either set to async or sync) I can not launch navigation goals. The controller server ĺog shows the following (notice that the tf clearly states the relation between the following frames and it is the same in all configs):
"Range sensor layer can't transform from odom to sonarX_frame", where X=[1,7]
In CONFIG2 there are no problems in launching navigation goals (but obviously we have the drawback of not building a map). Interestingly if I mix slam and localization (configuration CONFIG3) I can see the robot building a map and accepting navigation goals. This works until I set pose by the RVIZ2 interface (at that moment, if I get it right, amcl and slam_toolbox will concurrently update the robot position and hence the flickering..).
Notice that with CONFIG1, the goal navigation can be issued if I remove the sonar layer. Looking a LOG_ERROR above, is it a problem of slam toolbox not handling other sensors than laser scanner or most likely I did not understand which configuration would give me the 3 features right below I am looking for?
- F1. build a map
- F2. issue navigation goals
- F3. navigate taking into account scan and sonar readings (in terms of planning / obstacle avoidance)
You find attached the robot configuration file where I have added the sonar layer, here below a "summary" of the config
- CONFIG1: it builds the map in any case BUT navigation goals work only if I remove the "sonar_layer" from my_robot_config.yaml.
- CONFIG2: it allows the robot to navigate taking into account both laser and sonar readings
- CONFIG3: it gives me F1+F2+F3 till I set a robot pose in RVIZ, at that point the robot position estimates start to flicker (probably due to concurrent update).
File: my_robot_config.yaml ( I am reporting only the part with the sonar layer as copying the entire file does not work in terms for formatting)
update_frequency: 5.0
publish_frequency: 2.0
global_frame: odom
robot_base_frame: base_link
use_sim_time: True
rolling_window: true
width: 3
height: 3
resolution: 0.05
robot_radius: 0.22
plugins: ["obstacle_layer", "sonar_layer", "inflation_layer" ]
plugin: "nav2_costmap_2d::InflationLayer"
cost_scaling_factor: 3.0
inflation_radius ...
This is honestly very difficult to read, but the error seems clear: something's up with your TF tree. Unfortunately Galactic is EOL last year so there's no more support from it from Nav2's side, its a dead branch.
Check your URDF and check your TF tree when running in problematic configurations and make sure there's a timely transform possible from your odom to your sensor frames defined in the incoming sonar messages.
Thanks for the reply: I don't think the TF is the problem (the tf should be the same in CONFIG1/CONFIG2/CONFIG3. Look at the frames.pdf that I am attaching. It seems the sonar frames can be expressed w.r.t. base link
Now you should see the graph (at the very bottom of the post): laser_frame and sonar_frame (and children) are linked to base_link. The very same tf works in CONFIG3, but in CONFIG2no topic under /local_map can be produced. Also I can see, in CONFIG2, the sonar readings w.r.t. to the robot while navigating... When having localization:=false, who takes care of the localization? Is there a particular node I should look at with rqt_graph? I am asking cause when launching with localization:=true the graph is different and /local_map subtopics are populated, I can see the costmaps and related updates