[ROS2] Bt_navigator Node not recognized
I recently decided to use the bt proposed by Nav2 from Humble, Navigate To Pose With Consistent Replanning And If Path Becomes Invalid.
When I start the bt the following error pops up.
[bt_navigator-1] [ERROR] [bt_navigator]: Exception when loading BT: Error at line 13: -> Node not recognized: PathExpiringTimer
[bt_navigator-1] [ERROR] [bt_navigator]: Error loading XML file: config_nav2/bt_navigator.xml
This log regards PathExpirinTimer node but I obtain the same error aso for "GlobalUpdatedGoal" and "IsPathValid".
I suspect something related with nav2_tree_nodes.xml
but cannot manage the error.
I currently have installed release 1.1.5 from DEB, which should be the last one. I am usgin ROS2 humble and ubuntu 22.04
You didn't provide your error message.