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Is there a local planner that will adhere to the global plan for the ackerman driven vehicle that I can use in Ros Noetic?

asked 2023-02-09 04:32:47 -0500

emirhanc gravatar image

I find the global path using lanelet2 in my ackermann driven vehicle. I am using hdl as localization and I have 3d map with 3d lidar. By converting this pointcloud map to laserscan data, I created a grid map with gmapping. Using this grid map, I need a local planner that makes local planning by marking the dynamic obstacles in front of it with an occupancy grid map. I tried Teb local planner, but according to the data from the laser, the local costmap does not update. And as parameter, teb local planner contains too many parameters, it is also very difficult to optimize them. Can I use a simpler local planner? At the same time, this local plan must be connected to the global plane. Lanelet2 has no proper documentation. Does Lanelet2 have a function that I can use for this purpose? my ros version noetic

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answered 2023-02-09 17:04:27 -0500

I don't think in ROS 1, but for ROS 2 we have the Reg. Pure Pursuit Controller and soon to be merged MPPI controller which can handle ackermann cars natively (in addition to free-space planning via Hybrid-A* and State Lattices).

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Asked: 2023-02-09 04:32:47 -0500

Seen: 130 times

Last updated: Feb 09 '23