I find kinect depth fomula, Is it right? modified Question
Hi. I find kinect depth fomulas.
But, I'm wondering how to know relationship of depth value using OpenNi?
In libfreenect, this formulas
float dist =100/(-0.0030711016*rawdisparity + 3.3309495161); //ros distance (cm)
float dist2 = 12.36 * tanf(rawdisparity/ 2842.5 + 1.1863); //Stéphane Magnenat distance (cm)
Can I use the fomulas in OpenNi?
At (http://www.ros.org/wiki/kinect_calibration/technical)
There is the depth fomula
z = b*f / (1/8 * (doff - kd))
Is the same true for the OpenNi driver?
Can you talk to me how to get the depth relation?
I'm using ubuntu and OpenNi driver.
I saw the disparity has 11-bit value.
So disparity range is 0-2047.
If it is true, any disparity makes the formula's denominator zero(0).
Then, the formula is infinity.
How did this happen?
Disparity 11bit, is it right??