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Opencv update to 2.4?

asked 2012-08-28 18:08:22 -0500

Hyon Lim gravatar image

How do I update OpenCV for ROS? I have read that The ROS Electric currently using 2.3. But I would like to try latest version.

This is duplicated question. Sorry about this.

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2 Answers

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answered 2012-10-24 09:35:34 -0500

davinci gravatar image

In the related questions there is answer, you should build from source:

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answered 2012-11-01 23:36:59 -0500

K Chen gravatar image

See this

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Asked: 2012-08-28 18:08:22 -0500

Seen: 869 times

Last updated: Nov 01 '12