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SMACH tutorial: ImportError: No module named msg

asked 2012-09-18 10:23:42 -0500

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I got error while trying to run the ./examples/ in smach_tutorials package

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/tienthanh/workspace/ros/fuerte/mebios/tienthanh/executive_smach_tutorials/smach_tutorials/examples/", line 21, in <module> import smach_ros File "/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/executive_smach/smach_ros/src/smach_ros/", line 55, in <module> from action_server_wrapper import ActionServerWrapper File "/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/executive_smach/smach_ros/src/smach_ros/", line 9, in <module> from actionlib.simple_action_server import SimpleActionServer File "/home/tienthanh/workspace/ros/fuerte/mebios/tienthanh/executive_smach_tutorials/smach_tutorials/examples/", line 27, in <module> from actionlib.msg import * ImportError: No module named msg

Output of "echo $PYTHONPATH" is /opt/ros/fuerte/share/ros/core/roslib/src:/opt/ros/fuerte/lib/python2.7/dist-packages:

I use ROS fuerte, Ubuntu 12.04 32 bit.

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2 Answers

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answered 2012-09-18 10:53:31 -0500

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This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.

It looks like the tutorial was never updated when actionlib.

The line should read:

from actionlib_msgs.msg import *

I've filed a ticket here:

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I change in smach_tutorials/examples/ as you advice: from actionlib_msgs.msg import *

But I got another error: ...", line 9, in <module> from actionlib.simple_action_server import SimpleActionServer ImportError: No module named simple_action_server

Tien Thanh gravatar image Tien Thanh  ( 2012-09-19 02:50:02 -0500 )edit

answered 2012-10-05 04:36:41 -0500

this post is marked as community wiki

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.

Hi ..

I had the same problem when I try to run the ./examples/ in smach_tutorials package ...

There is a file called examples/ in the same folder. Rename the file to and delete the file actionlib.pyc.

With that change I could run all the tutorial examples.

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Great! This work for me, thanks !

Jbot gravatar image Jbot  ( 2014-08-01 06:50:02 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2012-09-18 10:23:42 -0500

Seen: 1,753 times

Last updated: Oct 05 '12