Android Problem Subscribing to a custom message
Hello all!
I am having problems when creating a new subscriber to a custom message in my android app. I have the same code in a java project and works ok showing the information message in the terminal.
The estrange thing is that there are another subscriber running just in the same code.
The error log is:
E/UpdatePublisherRunnable(4793): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve host "arturo-desktop": No address associated with hostname
I create the subscriber this way:
Subscriber<meta_msgs.NodesList> subscriber2 = connectedNode.newSubscriber("nodes_list", meta_msgs.NodesList._TYPE);
subscriber2.addMessageListener(new MessageListener<meta_msgs.NodesList>() {
public void onNewMessage(meta_msgs.NodesList message) {
Toast.makeText(getContext(), "OK. Message Received!!!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
My custom message is composed of custom messages too. Here are the codes:
Header header #for timestamp
NodeInfo[] nodes # an array of the nodes
# This message holds info of a ROS node
# Possible levels of operations
byte OK=1
byte ERROR=0
string node_name # the name of the node
byte status # status of the ros node regarding master connectivity
ROSTopic[] subs
ROSTopic[] pubs
ROSParameter[] params # the parameters of the node
string[] errors # latest history of relevant messages sent to rosout from the node
string type # see OMTypes.msg for values
string name
uint8[] value
string name # name of the topic
string type # type of the message
# Python format characters are used to simplify the Python code
string INTEGER=i
string STRING=64p
string DOUBLE=d
Does anybody have problems when trying custom messages with Android? Thanks! Its very important for me!
What's the error you get? Make sure you have a look at the support guidelines. Just saying "I'm having problems" unfortunately doesn't give us enough information to infer the error.
Thanks for ask! the error log is: E/UpdatePublisherRunnable(4793): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve host "arturo-desktop": No address associated with hostname
It doesn't look like this error has anything to do with the message. Where is your ROS core running? What's the master uri you are using? Btw. please edit your question and the exception in a readable format.