Unable to Spawn a coffee_cup in a Gazebo World
I'm following the gazebo tutorial on spawning additional objects into a world.
The tutorial states that a coffee cup can be spawned using the following command:
$ roslaunch gazebo_worlds coffee_cup.launch
Unfortunately, the following error occurs when spawning the coffee cup:
Warning [parser.cc:291] DEPRECATED GAZEBO MODEL FILE On July 1st, 2012, this formate will no longer by supported Convert your files using the gzsdf command line tool You have been warned!
When /opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/simulator_gazebo/gazebo/gazebo/bin/gzsdf is executed, it shows three commands:
Commands: describe Print the SDF format. check Check the SDF format for the given file. print Prints SDF, useful for debugging parser and as a conversion tool.
Unfortunately, the print and check commands report the same error when applied to coffee_cup.model. How do I convert coffee_cup.model into a format compatible with gazebo?
I'm using a freshly installed version of ROS Fuerte on Ubuntu Linux 12.04.