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Ros Launch File

asked 2012-10-17 06:11:14 -0500

101010 gravatar image

updated 2012-10-18 03:54:26 -0500

Can anyone describe, in detail, the parameters involved in the launch file. I combed through the tutorials and the descriptions are not that adequate?

Is there an example you can point me to as well that call 3 or more packages/nodes? The type and name parameters have me at a slight loss...

I am trying something like: <launch>

<node respawn="true" pkg="joy" type="joy" name="rov_joy" &gt;="" <param="" name="dev" type="string" value="/dev/input/js0"/> </node>


But with the

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@101010 Can you elaborate on what are you trying to accomplish ? If you read a launch file completely then most of the issues are sorted out.

Arkapravo gravatar image Arkapravo  ( 2012-10-17 06:54:32 -0500 )edit

Something along the lines of:

101010 gravatar image 101010  ( 2012-10-18 03:50:00 -0500 )edit

Something along the lines of:

101010 gravatar image 101010  ( 2012-10-18 03:50:00 -0500 )edit

3 Answers

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answered 2012-10-17 11:01:24 -0500

There are a number of launch files in ROS projects on Github. That would likely be a great place to find some real-world examples to help you out:

Github Launch File Search

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answered 2012-10-17 09:40:10 -0500

Thomas D gravatar image

You can look at this tutorial to see a simple example of several concepts, including the use of launch files for C++ and Python nodes with parameters (launch file links are near the end).

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answered 2012-10-18 03:58:38 -0500

101010 gravatar image

Ah, got it, nevermind, I found the answer. I was using the wrong package name and type.

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Please post this as a comment to the answer you selected or add this as an edit to your original question instead of as an answer. Thanks.

Thomas D gravatar image Thomas D  ( 2012-10-18 05:06:00 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2012-10-17 06:11:14 -0500

Seen: 719 times

Last updated: Oct 18 '12