Kinect publishes no data on published topics
In the lab we have a laptop (Asus X301A-RX111V with Intel i3-2350m, 1x usb 2.0 and 1x usb 3.0) to be on the turtlebot platform.
Before driving and connecting the turtlebot we can't get Kinect to work. I know that there are issues with usb 3.0, so Kinect is pluged to usb 2.0.
When we run
roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch
Kinect normaly starts, topics are published and no errors printed. But the problem is that nothing is published on the topics. Simptoms are similar when Kinect is connected to USB 3.0 port. It is the same on x64 and x86 versions of Ubuntu.
Does anybody have the fix for that?
Running Ubuntu 12.04 + Fuerte.
EDIT: There has to be the problem with Linux OpenNI driver for Kinect because also no data is received if using only OpenNI default drivers and samples ( In Windows everything works normally also with OpenNI drivers. Any ideas how to fix it?
EDIT2: I narrowed the problem down to libusb and two errors:
Endpoint 0x82, Buffer 15: Failed to re-submit asynch I/O transfer (err=-1)!
Endpoint 0x82, Buffer 15: Failed to cancel asynch I/O transfer (err=-5)!
Thank you.
what do you see from rxgraph?
I tried rxgraph with rostopic hz /camera/rgb/image_color on working desktop machine and on not working laptop. Both are showing the same. Here is the link to the rxgraph:
Any ideas?
What is the output of
rostopic hz /camera/depth/points
(or some other Kinect topic) on the laptop that is not working?It is showing "Subscribed to [/camera/depth/points]" and nothing else. The IR light is visible, but nothing is posted on the topic.
Hello @grega, Is depth_registration enabled? You can check it using dynamic_reconfigure package as described here
I tried with dynamic_reconfigure package but no luck. No data is coming. Also I don't think that depth registration has anything to do with the problem.
have the same problem how do i solve it?