rostopic list works but rostopic echo does not
I'm running the ROS core on a mobile robot and am using ssh to monitor it from a workstation. On the workstation I have ROS_MASTER_URI and ROS_IP configured per the wiki's instructions to point at the robot's IP address. "rostopic list" works correctly and shows me the correct list of topics. Unfortunately, "rostopic echo" is silent, and "rxgraph" also implies the workstation is not connected to the host.
The question: under what circumstances could rostopic list work and rostopic echo not work?
(I'm familiar with the relevant sections of the wiki (, for example), but they're not answering this question for me.)
Thank you.
Just to elaborate, I can edit /etc/hosts on both machines to make this work, but the network setup page implies I should be able to do this by setting ROS_IP, which does not seem to work. I don't have su privilege on all the machines I want to use.
Suffering the same problem in 2021, but I do have su access so I edited /etc/hosts and its started working. None of the rest of the ROS_ID= stuff worked. Why does this make it work?