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Unable to establish a connection using rosbridge

asked 2012-11-18 08:25:03 -0500

Saphrosit gravatar image

updated 2012-11-29 23:19:35 -0500

Hi, I'm trying to use rosjs in order to establish a connection with a rosbridge server (and do some simple task like subscribe a topic), with no luck.

Here's my test.html:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>rosjs Publisher Subscriber Tutorial</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

function log(msg) {$('#log').append(msg.toString() + '<br>');  }

function start() {

    document.write("Start() called<br>");
    log("Connecting to rosbridge.");
    var node = new ros.Connection("ws://mymachinename:9090");

    node.setOnClose(function(e) {
        document.write("Disconnected or can't connect");
        log("Disconnected or Can't Connect.");
    node.setOnError(function(e) {
        document.write("Unknown error");
        log("Unknown error!");
    node.setOnOpen(function(e) {
        document.write("Connection established");
        log("Connection to rosbridge established.");

   //publish the time every 1000 miliseconds

        var currentTime=new Date();
        var hours=currentTime.getHours();
        var minutes=currentTime.getMinutes();
        var seconds=currentTime.getSeconds();
        var timeMessage="It is now "+ hours+ ":" + minutes + ":"+ seconds ;
        node.publish('/talker', 'std_msgs/String', ros.json({data: timeMessage}));
    }, 1000);

    node.subscribe('/talker', 'std_msgs/String', function(msg){        


<body onload="start()" style="margin:0;padding:0;background-color:white;overflow:hidden">
<div style="font-family: fixed-width; font-size: small;" id="log"></div>


I'm launching both roscore and

rosrun rosbridge_server

The problem is that on the browser I only see "Start() called", and nothing else. I don't see error messages on the server, but only

Rosbridge server started on port 9090

Any suggestion on what I'm doing wrong? I'm using fuerte and Ubuntu 12.04.


Since I mostly copy-pasted the code from the rosjs tutorial, can anybody tell me how can I notify the error?

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If you are using Google Chrome, you can hit Ctrl-Shift-J to view the debugging console to find out where your script is breaking.

Pi Robot gravatar image Pi Robot  ( 2012-11-18 15:42:43 -0500 )edit

@PiRobot Thanks, that was helpful :)

Saphrosit gravatar image Saphrosit  ( 2012-11-20 04:55:39 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2012-11-20 04:52:21 -0500

Saphrosit gravatar image

updated 2012-11-20 04:53:49 -0500

Actually there were more than one error. This simple "helloworld" worked for me:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>rosjs hello world</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

function log(msg) {('#log').append(msg.toString() + '<br>');  }

function start() {

    document.write("Start() called<br>");
    var node = new ros.Connection("ws://localhost:9090");

    node.setOnClose(function(e) {
        document.write("Disconnected or can't connect");
    node.setOnError(function(e) {
        document.write("Unknown error");
    node.setOnOpen(function(e) {
        document.write("Connection established<br>");

        node.publish('/talker', 'std_msgs/String', '{"data": "Hello World" }');

        try {
            node.addHandler('/talker', function(msg){  
        document.write("Subscribed " + + "<br>"); });
        catch (error) {
        node.callService('/rosjs/subscribe','["/talker",-1]',function(e) { document.write("error in call");});     


<body onload="start()" style="margin:0;padding:0;background-color:white;overflow:hidden">
<div style="font-family: fixed-width; font-size: small;" id="log"></div>
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hello how would you run this

suhar gravatar image suhar  ( 2013-03-17 19:46:18 -0500 )edit

The javascript link appears to be dead.

Toucan gravatar image Toucan  ( 2019-03-18 14:59:59 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2012-11-18 08:25:03 -0500

Seen: 2,082 times

Last updated: Nov 29 '12