where to put ticket for missing os and release
Where can a support ticket be filed for a missing os and release.
I am porting groovy to the Raspberry PI and the Raspbain os (arm6hf)
Fuerte already works on this platform with a few lies (ie. ROS_OS_OVERRIDE=debian:squeeze). I have used the same override but I still find
that rosdep is missing a lot of libraries that have been loaded including
If you can point me to the files I can supply the changes for the code to support this.
Partial Answer - After searching for the rosdep documentation I found the ros.org/wiki/rosdep docs and took the rosdep documentation link to ros.org/doc/api/rosdep2/html/ which lists the current os's for fuerte. On that page is listed the developers guide link. In that page there is the hint that the program called is rospkg.os_detect. I then went to the master library (Internet) and asked the head librarian (google) what was rospkg.os_detect and the first answer given was from upenn.edu. I went there and that page has information on OS Detection. It also supplied a test command line that allowed me to start finding the software programs. python -m rospkg.os_detect From that I was able to change down the filesystem tree and find rospkg/os_detect.py Now I have a place to start the necessary mods for adding a new system/release.
I have just found on my machine the initial info for what to change: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rospkg inside this is the os_detect.py script. It appears that code changes have to be made to identify the os and release here.