No transform from /odom using robot_state_publisher
Hello all,
I am trying to run the URDF tutorial "Using urdf with robot_state_publisher". I have followed the instructions in the tutorial however, when I go to run rviz and pick /odom as my fixed frame I get an error that says "No transform from [ ] to [/odom]" within the RobotModel in rviz. Moreover, when I pick a different fixed frame I can see the model but it looks really strange (not like R2D2 at all). Is there something wrong I am doing here? Does anyone else get the same errors?
Kind Regards, Martin
Are there tfs being published?
How can I check if there are? rxgraph says there are tf publications but it just says /tf [tf/tfMessage]
Add a TF tree to rviz?
Hey David, I'm not sure if I know what you mean? Here is a link to my rviz when I run the program. To my knowledge I have added a TF to rviz
From my understanding it looks like there is no transform from /base_link to the /axis link. So either the model.xml file can be changed to replace the axis link with base_link or just add another joint that has base_link as the parent and axis as the child. I tried the first way and it worked
I can't reproduce your error in my copy of fuerte. You shouldn't have to name it base_link for it to work.