Roslaunch and <node> type
Hello all,
I am trying to augment a roslaunch code from my robot's manufacturer. They have sent me this launch file:
<launch> <group ns="drrobot_player1"> <rosparam file="$(find drrobot_jaguar4x4_player)/drrobotplayer_I90_Motion.yaml" command="load"/> <node pkg="drrobot_jaguar4x4_player" name="drrobot_player" type="drrobot_player" output="screen"/> <node pkg="drrobot_jaguar4x4_player" name="drrobotMsgTester" type="drrobotMsgTester" output="screen"/> </group> </launch>
Essentially one of the nodes publishes the motor info (drrobot_player) and the other node subscribes and output the info (drrobotMsgTester)
I would like to make my own node where I can publish other information, so I made a new .cpp file, added it to my CMakeLists.txt and successfully made with rosmake. Now when I change the launch file to use my node instead:
<launch> <group ns="drrobot_player1"> <rosparam file="$(find drrobot_jaguar4x4_player)/drrobotplayer_I90_Motion.yaml" command="load"/> <node pkg="drrobot_jaguar4x4_player" name="H20_player" type="H20_player" output="screen"/> <node pkg="drrobot_jaguar4x4_player" name="drrobotMsgTester" type="drrobotMsgTester" output="screen"/> </group> </launch>
I get an error:
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [drrobot_jaguar4x4_player/H20_player]: can't locate node [H20_player] in package [drrobot_jaguar4x4_player]
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? The manufacturers code also has a folder called drrobot_player so I think it has something to do with this. Here is a picture of the folder structure in the src folder of the ros package.
Many thanks in advance to anyone who can help me figure this out :)
Kind Regards, Martin