Display collision space in rviz
I'm experimenting with arm_navigation with kuka youbot.
I am using move_arm to plan and execute trajectories from my code, now I'd like to add obstacles (both in the form of primitive objects and point clouds) to the planning environment.
I followed this tutorial: http://www.ros.org/wiki/motion_planning_environment/Tutorials/Adding%20known%20objects%20to%20the%20collision%20environment (I just modified the code in order to use arm_navigation_msgs types)
When I run the code, I correctly get:
My question is: how can I view the collision environment in rviz? I just want to view which obstacles where added along with the model of the robot.
Thank you
Thank you for your reply. Well, I don't see neither a planning_scene_markers topic, nor a PlanningScene display type when I click "add" in rviz..
It should be a Marker display/topic. It shows up in our system, but maybe it's something custom that is launched somewhere and not a feature of the environment_server itself.