Set RViz laserscan decay time
I am writing an RViz plugin which allows the user to play rosbags and also let's him pause the playing. The problem with pausing is that the decay time is still the same, so pointcloud data will exceed the decay time even if they should stay while the playing is paused.
There is a RViz display plugin tutorial, but it only describes how to create new displays.
Does anybody know how to programmatically change the decay time of this display? Or is there another possibility to hold the current message?
EDIT: I need this node to work on fuerte and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
I don't get your edit; the rqt is available for fuerte.
Thank you for your answer. I thought it's only available on groovy. At the moment some other functions are more important, but I will come back to your answer the next week. I hope you're still open for questions then, if neccessary :-).