is rqt_reconfigure compatible to ROS electric nodes?
I installed camera1394 node (electric version) by source on gumstix Overo (running groovy on Linaro) and installed rqt_reconfigure on my laptop(running groovy on Ubuntu 12.04).
Everything works except I cannot use rqt_reconfigure to change the parameters dynamically.
This is the error output:
[ERROR] [946685833.362578387]: Client [/rqt_gui_py_node_3643] wants topic /camera1394_node/parameter_descriptions to have datatype/md5sum [dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription/757ce9d44ba8ddd801bb30bc456f946f], but our version has [dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription/5f0f929417f58ac7f30dfdd9e4d40ef2]. Dropping connection.
I noticed that rqt_reconfigure only have groovy version. Is it compatible to ROS nodes in electric version? If not, is there a trick to make it work? (It cost me a long to to build camera1394 from source, I don't want to change it to groovy version. Also, I don't know why catkin tool doesn't work in gumstix, it simply cannot find package to build).
Thanks in advance!