Move a robot head toward a 3D point
I am working with a Kinect and two dynamixel motors (to have a pan/tilt). I would like to send commands to the motors so that the kinect look at a point in 3D space.
I managed to have the Kinect look in a specified direction using the pan motor. But that was only in 2D space so I used Euler angles and trigonometry. Using the same in 3D space would be much more complicated.
I would like to know if there are some tools to help doing such things ? I heard that maybe using tf could help me but I don't know how I should do that. Can someone help me ?
Thanks Caroline
As I understood, your kinect is fixed, and you can only turn it. So why would you change the 2D thing you already did ? As you can't go neerer from the point, finally, the distance of the point doesn't really matter, and you only need to turn you kinect left-right like you did up-down, no ?
I can move the Kinect up-down and left-right. You are probably right and I could split the 3D problem into two 2D problems, but I thought there were simpler solutions for 3D problems like that, using directly 3D coordinates. Do you know things that could help ?