rosmsg can't find message in my catkin workspace
Hi all—
Just getting started with a catkin workspace and package, based on the following tutorials:
When I run catkin_make, I see that Python, C++, and lisp code is being generated from the msg file in my nnn_msgs package. And when I run catkin_make install, it looks like the Python sources get copied into the appropriate dist-packages directory. I've sourced the workspace/install/setup.bash file, so my PACKAGE_PATH and PYTHONPATH are correct. Indeed, I can pop open the Python REPL and import the message, so it's definitely being built, and is seems like the workspace is set up correctly.
However, rosmsg show xx can't find it, and rosmsg list gives no output either:
Unable to load msg [nnnn_msgs/Nnnn]: Cannot locate message [Nnnn]: unknown package [nnnn_msgs] on search path [{}]
How do I resolve this search path issue? How come it only seems to be affecting rosmsg?
Edit: Okay, looks like I've found another thing affected by this problem: rosversion won't run correctly, which means I can't run roscore. I thought this might have been because my .bashrc was sourcing a Fuerte setup.bash prior to me manually sourcing the Groovy one, but I removed that and it made no difference.
My ROS_PACKAGE_PATH looks okay: