adding robot_description to parameter server
Hi there!
I'd like to add robot_description to parameter server and frankly speaking, after reading the tutorial about making urdf, I still have no idea, how to do that.
In my launch file I did:
<node pkg="robot_state_publisher" type="state_publisher" name="robot_state_publisher">
**<remap from="robot_description" to="$(find museumGuide)/urdf_model/peoplebot.xml" />**
<remap from="joint_state" to="joint_state"/>
<param name="publish_frequency" type="double" value="15.0"/>
<param name="tf_prefix" type="string" value=""/>
But apparently this line remap from="robot_description" to="$(find museumGuide)/urdf_model/peoplebot.xml" / is wrong, as I get error:
remap to [/home/peoplebot/fuerte_wrkspc/sandbox/museumGuide/urdf_model/peoplebot.xml] is not a valid ROS name
I'd be gratefull for your help! Thanks in advance,