RVIZ weird tf values
I use rviz on ROS fuerte and arduino by rosserial.
Arduino receives angles value from IMU and x,y position from encoders. Hence i use transform tf to publish pose of /odom frame wrt /base_frame.
In rviz i set TF to see the 2 reference frames but i obtain different values than the ones arduino publishes. In fact if i fix position x=y=z=1 and fill quaternion values with my IMU angles, rviz shows me different position x,y,z values varying in time and quaternion values x,y,z that are negative wrt real one.
But if I run "rostopic echo tf" i can see that arduino broadcasts the exact values.
Moreover if i fix position x=y=z=0 i obtain in rviz the exact values. But if i fix position x=y=z=2 i obtain in rviz x,y,z position values that are twice the one obtained fixing x=y=z=1.
Someone can help me??