roslaunch not working in groovy [closed]
Hello everyone's:
I need some help with ROS Groovy.
I have the disc-ros-pkg that workspace, inside existing a METAPACKAGE called "nxt_robot"(it configured in the package.xml and CMakelist.txt how metapackage). Within , we find 2 packages: nxt_node and nxt_description. nxt_node have a launch file.
The problem is ROS does not recognize these packages. Only reconize the metapackage. When try execute : roslaunch nxt_node nxt.launch, that throw this error : "[nxt_robot] does not exist. please specify a package and launch file" In my .bashrc , I write this:
`source /opt/ros/groovy/setup.bash´
`source ~/disc-ros-pkg/devel/´
`export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH= "/home/ucn1108/disc-ros-pkg":$ROS_PACKAGE_PATH´
Could anyone help me?
Since you have a devel/, i guess you ran catkin make, right? do the nxt_node and nxt_description packages each have a package.xml?
Hi jbinney: yes, these packages have a package.xml and CMakelist.txt each one. In fact, ROS only can see is the nxt_robot. For example, if write "roscd nx" and pressed tab,only show a nxt_robot. The same problem with rosrun, etc
What is the output of catkin_make?
Can you provide a link to the source repository? It could be that your packages are nested and the parent one is hiding the package.xml from a subfolder.
Btw the first source command is useless since the second will effectively override everything from the first. Also the export of the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH looks unnecessary if the folder "/home/ucn1108/disc-ros-pkg" is equal to "~/disc-ros-pkg" since the second source already adds that path to the RPP.