rosdep: no definition for OS [debian]
I am have installed ros groovy on a raspberry pi running Raspbian. I am currently trying to install rosaria following the instructions online:
The installation fails at: rosdep install ROSARIA I get the error: ROSARIA: No definition of [dynamic_reconfigure] for OS [debian]
It turns out that I don't appear to have the debian definitions for anything, as this shows:
rosdep resolve std_msgs
ERROR: No definition of [std_msgs] for OS [debian]
No definition of [std_msgs] for OS [debian] rosdep key : std_msgs OS name : debian OS version : Data: _is_ros: true osx: homebrew: packages: - ros/groovy/std_msgs ubuntu: oneiric: apt: packages: - ros-groovy-std-msgs precise: apt: packages: - ros-groovy-std-msgs quantal: apt: packages: - ros-groovy-std-msgs
I get this same error again. Does anyone know to I get the debian definition for these rosdep keys?
I have tried doing 'rosdep init' and 'rosdep update' many times, and have done a 'sudo apt-get update' too, nothing seems to help.
Any help will be greatly appreciated, thanks.
Thanks po1, I manually typed in the changes in the /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rosdep-0.10.20-py2.7.egg/rosdep2/ file and recompiled it to generate a new pyc file however I still get the same error when try to rosdep resolve a package, ie:
rosdep resolve geometry
ERROR: No definition of [geometry] for OS [debian]
No definition of [geometry] for OS [debian] rosdep key : geometry OS name : debian OS version : Data: _is_ros: true osx: homebrew: packages: - ros/groovy/geometry ubuntu: oneiric: apt: packages: - ros-groovy-geometry precise: apt: packages: - ros-groovy-geometry quantal: apt: packages: - ros-groovy-geometry
I've checked the file and I've not made any mistakes in the editing. Do I need to do anything else to make the changes take effect?
Many thanks.
EDIT2: Thanks po1! That solves my problem. Many thanks for your help.
The pull request actually does not solve the problem, I just realized that. I will look into it and push something more likely to solve your problem.
There you go: