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problem compiling re_comm

asked 2013-07-24 12:39:05 -0500

HanXiao gravatar image

HI I have problem compiling the re_comm package in the roboearth. The problems is shown like this:

   [ 83%] Generating ../bin/roboearth/wp1/UnizarRoboEarthInterface.class, ../bin/roboearth/wp5/REClients.class, ../bin/roboearth/wp5/util/Util.class, ../bin/roboearth/wp5/REDummyUploader.class, ../bin/roboearth/wp5/Main.class
/home/vincent/ros/stacks/roboearth/re_comm/src/roboearth/wp1/ package ros.pkg.vision_srvs.srv does not exist
import ros.pkg.vision_srvs.srv.cop_save;
/home/vincent/ros/stacks/roboearth/re_comm/src/roboearth/wp5/ package edu.tum.cs.ias.knowrob.vis.applets does not exist
import edu.tum.cs.ias.knowrob.vis.applets.CommunicationVisApplet; //add
/home/vincent/ros/stacks/roboearth/re_comm/src/roboearth/wp1/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : variable CommunicationVisApplet
location: class roboearth.wp1.UnizarRoboEarthInterface.ExportCopModelCallback
                CommunicationVisApplet.visualizeCommunication("Retrieving model from the vision system... \n\nSending: /cop/save "+req.object_id, "", null, "cop.png");
/home/vincent/ros/stacks/roboearth/re_comm/src/roboearth/wp1/ package cop_save does not exist
                ServiceClient<cop_save.Request, cop_save.Response, cop_save> client = n.serviceClient("/cop/save", new ros.pkg.vision_srvs.srv.cop_save());
/home/vincent/ros/stacks/roboearth/re_comm/src/roboearth/wp1/ package cop_save does not exist
                ServiceClient<cop_save.Request, cop_save.Response, cop_save> client = n.serviceClient("/cop/save", new ros.pkg.vision_srvs.srv.cop_save());
/home/vincent/ros/stacks/roboearth/re_comm/src/roboearth/wp1/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : class cop_save
location: class roboearth.wp1.UnizarRoboEarthInterface.ExportCopModelCallback
                ServiceClient<cop_save.Request, cop_save.Response, cop_save> client = n.serviceClient("/cop/save", new ros.pkg.vision_srvs.srv.cop_save());
/home/vincent/ros/stacks/roboearth/re_comm/src/roboearth/wp1/ package ros.pkg.vision_srvs.srv does not exist
                ServiceClient<cop_save.Request, cop_save.Response, cop_save> client = n.serviceClient("/cop/save", new ros.pkg.vision_srvs.srv.cop_save());
/home/vincent/ros/stacks/roboearth/re_comm/src/roboearth/wp1/ package cop_save does not exist
                cop_save.Request rq = new cop_save().createRequest();
/home/vincent/ros/stacks/roboearth/re_comm/src/roboearth/wp1/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : class cop_save
location: class roboearth.wp1.UnizarRoboEarthInterface.ExportCopModelCallback
                cop_save.Request rq = new cop_save().createRequest();
/home/vincent/ros/stacks/roboearth/re_comm/src/roboearth/wp1/ package cop_save does not exist
                    cop_save.Response resp =;
/home/vincent/ros/stacks/roboearth/re_comm/src/roboearth/wp1/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : variable CommunicationVisApplet
location: class roboearth.wp1.UnizarRoboEarthInterface.ExportCopModelCallback
                    CommunicationVisApplet.visualizeCommunication("", vis_string, null, null);
/home/vincent/ros/stacks/roboearth/re_comm/src/roboearth/wp1/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : variable CopROSClient
location: class roboearth.wp1.UnizarRoboEarthInterface.ExportCopModelCallback
                    String[] model_info = CopROSClient.copModelTypeSemClassForID(req.object_id);
/home/vincent/ros/stacks/roboearth/re_comm/src/roboearth/wp1/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : variable CommunicationVisApplet
location: class roboearth.wp1.UnizarRoboEarthInterface.ExportCopModelCallback
                    CommunicationVisApplet.visualizeCommunication("", "Export of model for Cop ID "+req.object_id+" failed.", null, null);
/home/vincent/ros/stacks/roboearth/re_comm/src/roboearth/wp1/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : variable CommunicationVisApplet
location: class roboearth.wp1.UnizarRoboEarthInterface.RetrieveCopModelCallback
                    CommunicationVisApplet.visualizeCommunication("Requesting model for object '"+req.object_name+"' from RoboEarth...", "", null, "roboearth.png ...
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Please mark your question as answered (click the checker sign next to the answer you like most), if your problems got resolved. Thank you

bit-pirate gravatar image bit-pirate  ( 2013-07-30 13:32:11 -0500 )edit

Marked, Thanks :)

HanXiao gravatar image HanXiao  ( 2013-07-30 15:18:30 -0500 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2013-07-24 19:18:05 -0500

moritz gravatar image

updated 2013-11-12 18:36:26 -0500

Those packages are in the ias_common stack that you can (on Ubuntu) install using

sudo apt-get install ros-groovy-ias-common

To find out which repository a package is in, you can always use

roslocate uri vision_srvs

UPDATE: ias_common is no longer needed, please update the KnowRob stack to its new repository URL as given in the RoboEarth rosinstall file or on the KnowRob wiki page

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Woah, didn't know about this handy tool! Seems like there is always something one does _not_ know about ROS! :-) Thanks for sharing!

bit-pirate gravatar image bit-pirate  ( 2013-07-30 01:28:21 -0500 )edit

answered 2013-09-02 05:02:37 -0500

Hi, I had the same problem with the same output, but installing ros-groovy-ias-common didn't fix it. The new output, after installing the ias_common stack, is: Built target _java_compile_1_64 /home/turtlebot/ros-turtlebot/stacks/roboearth/re_comm/src/roboearth/wp1/ cannot find symbol symbol : class CopROSClient location: package edu.tum.cs.ias.knowrob import edu.tum.cs.ias.knowrob.CopROSClient; I need help, please.

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Hi, I was having the exact same problem as you. I edited the manifest.xml file from the re_comm folder by adding the line <depend package="comp_cop"/>, although I downgraded it to the ROS Fuerte version, but the problem is exactly the same! Hope it helps!

LCROBOT gravatar image LCROBOT  ( 2013-11-04 13:01:29 -0500 )edit

I had the same problem. I have delete the class After that, the re_comm package compiles. Best Regards Florian

FlorianJo gravatar image FlorianJo  ( 2014-01-14 04:50:12 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2013-07-24 12:39:05 -0500

Seen: 451 times

Last updated: Nov 12 '13