how to increase rosserial buffer size
I am trying to publish an odometry message with rosserial:
nav_msgs::Odometry myOdom;
ros::Publisher odom_pub("odom", &myOdom); .... odom_pub.publish(&myOdom);
and it compiles fine, but I get an error that the message exceeds the buffer:
[ERROR] [WallTime: 1376891179.350615] Message from device dropped: message larger than buffer.
I saw in the documentation:
that the way to increase the buffer was by changing BUFFER_SIZE in the arduino library file ros.h However, there is no such parameter in ros.h. I did find in nodehandle.h the parameters INPUT_SIZE and OUTPUT_SIZE, so I tried changing those from 512 to 1024, but the initial INFO message that comes up still says that the max buffer size is 512.
I searched for where the error message is being sent from and found it also in nodehandle.h and changed it to include in the error note the size of the message I am trying to send. It's possible the odom message is > 512 bytes, but if I can find out how many bytes are trying to be sent, then, once I find BUFFER_SIZE, I will know what it needs to be set to.
That change did not show up in the error, so now I realize that when I am recompiling the arduino code, the changes I made to nodehandle.h are not being incorporated. The file is located in the correct place (...sketchbook/libraries/ros_lib/ros) and I closed and reopened the arduino IDE, so it should pick up the change.
Thanks for the help!