I am assuming you are following these instructions: http://wiki.ros.org/groovy/Installation/OSX/MacPorts/Repository
First make sure the file URL appears before the rsync URL in the /opt/local/etc/macports/sources.conf
rsync://rsync.macports.org/release/tarballs/ports.tar [default]
To make the port visible you need to:
$cd ros-macports
The output should look like:
Adding port groovy/ros-groovy-core
Adding port groovy/ros-groovy-desktop-full
Adding port groovy/ros-hydro-desktop-full
Adding port hydro/ros-hydro-actionlib
Adding port hydro/ros-hydro-actionlib_msgs
Next the port should be visible:
$port search ros-groovy
ros-groovy-core @1.0.0 (devel)
Robotic Operating System
ros-groovy-desktop-full @1.0.0 (devel)
Robotic Operating System