ROS remote master: can see topics but no data
Hi there,
I have got a question about running ROS on several machines. I currently have 4 systems:
Roscore/Rosmaster is running on the Robot and on all PCs I have set "export ROS_MASTER_URI=". Further more, all PCs can ping each other and it is possible to establish ssh connections.
Here comes the strange thing I do not understand: I can enter "rostopic list" on each PC, and I can see the topics that are running in the roscore on the robot. But when I enter "rostopic echo /someTopic", it only works for PC2. On PC1 and PC3 I don't receive any data. Why can I see the topics but can't receive/send messages?
The tutorial about ROS remote says, that it is only necessary that the PCs can ping each other and that nothing else except "ROS_MASTER_URI" needs to be configured.
Does anyone know why this is happening?
regards psei