Dynamixel & joint_state_publisher
I am trying to set up a pan/tilt base with two Dynamixel servos and I would like to use joint_state_publisher with robot_state_publisher to publish the transforms (and maybe even control the joints via joint_state_publisher's GUI).
The problem is that the dynamixel_controllers stack publishes dynamixel_msgs/JointState messages while joint_state_publisher expects sensor_msgs/JointState messages, and the two are incompatible.
My Google-Fu failed to turn up any existing conversion between dynamixel_msgs and sensor_msgs JointState messages - but I have seen out there Dynamixel-based robots visualized in Rviz. Are my only options to publish my own transforms with the Dynamixels or write my own conversion between the two different JointState messages? Maybe someone can suggest an existing open-source solution?