gazebo crashes when calling delete_model service call
Hi, I use ros-cturtle-pr2all, I found when I add an object and select it and delete that model and select gazebo again, the gazebo will disappeared. I can repeat this situation.
step: gazebo: roslaunch gazebo_worlds empty_world.launch
2.add an object: sam@sam-laptop:~/code/ros/cad/stl$ rosrun gazebo spawn_model -file top.urdf -urdf -model top -z 0.5 loading model xml from file attempting to spawn robot in simulation waiting for service spawn_urdf_model spawn status: SpawnModel: successfully spawned model spawning success True sam@sam-laptop:~/code/ros/cad/stl$ that object (ctrl+left mouse click) It will show circles around that object
4.delete that model sam@sam-laptop:~/code/ros/cad/stl$ rosservice call gazebo/delete_model '{model_name: top}' success: True status_message: DeleteModel: successfully deleted model sam@sam-laptop:~/code/ros/cad/stl$ gazebo flat world again(ctrl+left mouse click) Gazebo will disappeared.