How exactly does .rosinstall work?
I'm a bit unclear on how .rosinstall works.
I realize that a standard version gets installed when I first installed ros (though I'm not sure whether easyinstall or rosinstall does that). A couple of things I don't quite understand:
How do upgrades work? Do the .rosinstall file need to be manually edited to change a version number? (Some of the packages in .rosinstall don't have version numbers, so how does that work?) Or does the rosinstall command somehow take care of updates? I can also use svn directly to upgrade certain packages, but then will re-running rosinstall not revert those upgrades by over-writing the svn ugrades?
If I want to use rosinstall to install other packages, how should I do that? Create another .rosinstall file with a different name or add new lines to the existing .rosinstall? And if I do make another .rosinstall, can I use the rosinstall command for one and not adversely affect the other set of installed packages?