slam_gmapping MappingFromLoggedData out of dual 32-bit range
Hi, I followed the tutorial doc. When I finished make index success,and began to play it, I found a error reported. I have tried both ubuntu 32,64 bits,and it seems the same problem.
The error message is
sam@sam-desktop:~/code/ros/slam/mapping$ rosbag play basic_localization_stage.bag
[ INFO] [1298639209.074814380]: Opening basic_localization_stage.bag
Waiting 0.2 seconds after advertising topics... done.
Hit space to toggle paused, or 's' to step.
[FATAL] [1298639301.490772364]: Time is out of dual 32-bit range670987.745222
I'm having the same issue on 64bit Ubuntu 11.10 with Fuerte. Any luck solving it?