narf descriptor
I was looking at the source code of the NARF descriptor and I modified the tutorial example (narf_feature_extraction) to calculate all the time the NARF descriptors from a pointcloud coming from a kinect camera. I have noticed a couple of things:
Some times there are more descriptors than keypoints... I see that the size of the keypoints is taken from keypoint_indices2 and the descriptors are held in narf_descriptors. Is it correct that there are more descriptors than keypoints computed?
I noticed the descritptor values for a pointcloud of a mug for example are around between -0.3 and 0.3, and with any object or the complete pointcould the values are between -0.5 and 0.5... If someone has experience and know the range of values it would be great... as I had a look on the paper (Steder et al., 2011) but I couldn't find out something specifically about it...
Many Thanks,