How to export non-standard include directories in catkin?
This question spawned from question 68680.
I'm using yujin_tools to cross-compile ROS for ARM. I've created a Catkin package for tinyxml that installs headers to <sysroot-prefix>/include/tinyxml, and the package advertises "include" and "include/tinyxml" in the catkin_package() macro.
When I build rospack, it complains about not finding the tinyxml.h header:
/home/user/ros_yujin_ws/src/rospack/src/rospack.cpp:30: fatal error: tinyxml.h: No such file or directory
rospack is using the non-namespaced version of the tinyxml include directive, but I've installed them namespaced. How do I tell rospack to look in <prefix>/include/tinyxml instead of or in addition to <prefix>/include?