No transform from [anything] to [/base_link]
I'm trying to learn how to build a visual robot model from scratch with this tutorial.
When I run the first shape it works fine, but when I try to run the others shapes rViz show messages like these:
base_link: Transform OK
box: No transform from [box] to [/base_link]
gripper_pole: No transform from [gripper_pole] to [/base_link]
head: No transform from [head] to [/base_link]
left_back_wheel: No transform from [left_back_wheel] to [/base_link]
right_tip: No transform from [right_tip] to [/base_link]
URDF: URDF parsed OK
I have readed all about the topic, but I don't find any solution. This is a problem in the tf? I'm copy-pasting the code of the robots and following step by step the tutorial, where is the problem?
Sorry for my poor english and thanks!