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getting video from canon vc-c50i camera and sensoray framegrabber

asked 2011-04-14 01:12:30 -0500

I'm trying to get the video stream from a canon vc-c50i camera which connects to a sensoray 311 framegrabber on a MobileRobots Guiabot. Have tried gscam with

GSCAM_CONFIG="v4l2src device=/dev/video0 ! ffmpegcolorspace ! video/x-raw-rgb ! identity name=ros"

but image is scrambled. What should the pipeline be for this camera type?

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2 Answers

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answered 2011-07-28 05:32:02 -0500

Charence gravatar image

Try video/x-raw-yuv or put ffmpegcolorspace as the last parameter.

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answered 2011-11-23 12:27:55 -0500

My problem was fixed by running: v4l2-ctl -s ntsc, the default setup was PAL hence the scrambling.

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Asked: 2011-04-14 01:12:30 -0500

Seen: 910 times

Last updated: Nov 23 '11