/odom stops sending tf data
I am having problems with my own robot driver because after some time it stops sending odometry data. I checked the tf_monitor and I can see how the net_delay is slowly increasing until I can see the following error:
RESULTS: for /base_link to /map
Chain is: /base_link -> /odom -> /map
Net delay avg = 6.87636: max = 7.88385
Frame: /base_link published by /auriga_robot_base Average Delay: -1.96377 Max Delay: 0
Frame: /odom published by /slam_gmapping Average Delay: -2.00705 Max Delay: 0
All Broadcasters:
Node: /auriga_robot_base 10.0101 Hz, Average Delay: -1.96377 Max Delay: 0
Node: /laser_broadcaster 19.9809 Hz, Average Delay: -2.05722 Max Delay: 0
Node: /slam_gmapping 20.0302 Hz, Average Delay: -2.00705 Max Delay: 0
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'tf::ConnectivityException'
what(): Could not find a common time /map and /base_link.
And the net_delay between /base_link and /odom is:
RESULTS: for /base_link to /odom
Chain is: /base_link -> /odom
Net delay avg = 185.881: max = 186.893
Frame: /base_link published by /auriga_robot_base Average Delay: 0.00108199 Max Delay: 0.0427322
Frame: /odom published by /slam_gmapping Average Delay: -0.0422399 Max Delay: 0
All Broadcasters:
Node: /auriga_robot_base 10.0099 Hz, Average Delay: 0.00108199 Max Delay: 0.0427322
Node: /laser_broadcaster 19.9936 Hz, Average Delay: -0.0931322 Max Delay: 0
Node: /slam_gmapping 20.0204 Hz, Average Delay: -0.0422399 Max Delay: 0
I have been also checking my robot's node and the only suspicious thing i saw was:
[DEBUG] Socket 15 closed with (ERR|HUP|NVAL) events 24: Broken pipe
Any clue?