Moving arm of the Nao robot
Hi folk,
I am using the current Nao-ROS stack (fuerte). I want to control the Nao in an abstract way. Now, I am trying to send commands to the nao_controller to move the left arm from the Nao. I found only one option to do this. Namely to create a JointTrajectory message for the left arm and this message as goal to the ActionServer of the nao_controller. This message requires to define 6 radians for each joint of the left arm: (LShoulderPitch,LShoulderRoll,LElbowYaw,LElbowRoll,LWristYaw2,LHand2)
But, I don`t want to control the joints seperately. I want to say: moveLeftArmToPosition (x,y,z) So, do I have to solve this mapping on my own, or, has the nao_driver this task already done?
I want to ask as well, if the nao_driver provides a node to start face detection. I havn`t found it in the documentation. Thanks a lot.
Best Regards