The data payload is 640 x 480 x 8 x sizeof(float) bytes = 9830400 bytes
Plus some bytes for auxiliary information like origin, timestamp etc.
A good way to check out the bandwidth required for transmission is rostopic bw
$ rostopic bw /camera/rgb/points
subscribed to [/camera/rgb/points]
average: 295.37MB/s
mean: 9.83MB min: 9.83MB max: 9.83MB window: 100
To find the size in memory consider the following analysis:
I store them as pcl::pointcloud. The data for one point is described in this header file, although it is somewhat cryptic. PointXYZRGB is described as follows:
00204 struct PointXYZRGB
00205 {
00206 PCL_ADD_POINT4D; // (...)
00207 union
00208 {
00209 struct
00210 {
00211 float rgb;
00212 };
00213 float data_c[4];
00214 };
00216 } EIGEN_ALIGN16;
PCL_ADD_POINT4D and the union below will add 4 floats each. While that is overkill memorywise, it is required to benefit from some cpu optimizations. Therefore for a pcl::pointcloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB> from the kinect, you store 640 x 480 x 8 x sizeof(float) bytes.
I wonder why rgb is in a separate struct though. Does anybody know this.
For a PointCloud2 you can look at the message with rostopic echo -n 1 /camera/rgb/points| less
The interesting parts are:
height: 480
width: 640
point_step: 32
Therefore, also here you have 640 x 480 x 32, where 32 is 8 x sizeof(float)
Optimization Hack
A colleague of mine modified the openni_camera driver and rgbdslam to communicate the color value via the unused forth dimension of the pointXYZ. This essentially cuts the required memory to half the size. It is a little hackish, but if anyone wants the patch, you are welcome to contact me. Keep in mind though, that linear algebra operations with Eigen might be affected by the color value or overwrite it. Haven't experienced that yet though.
The bandwidth reduction shown by rostopic bw
average: 148.35MB/s
mean: 4.92MB min: 4.92MB max: 4.92MB window: 100