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qt_gui_cpp fails to build on Debian Jessie

asked 2013-11-09 23:22:57 -0500

Boris_il_forte gravatar image

updated 2014-01-28 17:18:30 -0500

ngrennan gravatar image

I've saw the same problem, posted a month ago, on debian sid, but I will post another question, because i can't copy all the failure log. I'm sorry if I'm wrong...

I'm using the latest version of catkin, qt_gui_cpp, python_qt_binding and pluginlib

  • shiboken 1.2.1-2
  • phyton-sip 4.15.3-1
  • boost 1.54.0
  • libqt4-dev 4:4.8.5+git121-g2a9ea11+dfsg1-2

==> Processing catkin package: 'qt_gui_cpp'
==> Building with env: '/opt/ros/hydro/'
Makefile exists, skipping explicit cmake invocation...
==> make cmake_check_build_system in '/home/dave/ros/build_isolated/qt_gui_cpp'
==> make -j4 -l4 in '/home/dave/ros/build_isolated/qt_gui_cpp'
[ 37%] Built target qt_gui_cpp
[ 40%] Running Shiboken generator for libqt_gui_cpp Python bindings...
[ 44%] Meta target for qt_gui_cpp_sip Python bindings...
[ 51%] Built target libqt_gui_cpp_sip
** WARNING APIExtractor does not support the use of #include directives without passing either "<path/to/header.h>" or "./path/to/header.h", for example. Invalid use at /usr/include/boost/config.hpp:26.
** WARNING APIExtractor does not support the use of #include directives without passing either "<path/to/header.h>" or "./path/to/header.h", for example. Invalid use at /usr/include/boost/config.hpp:53.
** WARNING scope not found for symbol:boost::detail::esft2_deleter_wrapper::get_deleter<D>
Generating class model...                    [WARNING]
        Unable to decide type of property: 'Qt::CursorMoveStyle' in class 'QLineEdit'
        enum 'QFont::HintingPreference' does not have a type entry or is not an enum
        Unable to decide type of property: 'SoftKeyRole' in class 'QAction'
        Unable to decide type of property: 'Priority' in class 'QAction'
        enum 'QStyle::RequestSoftwareInputPanel' does not have a type entry or is not an enum
        enum 'QFile::FileHandleFlag' does not have a type entry or is not an enum
        enum 'QXmlStreamReader::ReadElementTextBehaviour' does not have a type entry or is not an enum
        enum 'QLocale::CurrencySymbolFormat' does not have a type entry or is not an enum
        enum 'QAction::SoftKeyRole' does not have a type entry or is not an enum
        enum 'QLocale::Script' does not have a type entry or is not an enum
        Unable to decide type of property: 'QEasingCurve' in class 'QTimeLine'
        enum 'QGraphicsItem::PanelModality' does not have a type entry or is not an enum
        enum 'QLocale::QuotationStyle' does not have a type entry or is not an enum
        enum 'QDataStream::FloatingPointPrecision' does not have a type entry or is not an enum
        enum 'QTextDocument::Stacks' does not have a type entry or is not an enum
        Unable to decide type of property: 'Qt::InputMethodHints' in class 'QWidget'
        enum 'QPainter::PixmapFragmentHint' does not have a type entry or is not an enum
        enum 'QAction::Priority' does not have a type entry or is not an enum
        enum 'QTextBlockFormat::LineHeightTypes' does not have a type entry or is not an enum

Generating enum model...                     [WARNING]
        enum 'SP_CustomTabVideos' does not have a type entry or is not an enum

Generating namespace model...                [WARNING]
        enum 'Qt::GestureState' does not have a type entry or is not an enum
        enum 'Qt::CursorMoveStyle' does not have a type entry or is not ...
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I've forgot to say that this was an issue already in the beginning of september with groovy, I've solved updating shiboken package. But now I've the same package as Ubuntu...

Boris_il_forte gravatar image Boris_il_forte  ( 2013-11-09 23:39:05 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2013-11-15 03:17:06 -0500

Dorian Scholz gravatar image

a workaround to not build PySide bindings has been posted here:

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For posterity: the solution is to remove libshiboken. This forces the installer to use an alternative library. The command to be used is "sudo apt-get remove libshiboken*". Hopefully there's nothing else on your system that depends on it. This also fixes the same failure in Ubuntu 13.10.

Benjamin Blumer gravatar image Benjamin Blumer  ( 2014-01-17 10:30:01 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2013-11-09 23:22:57 -0500

Seen: 1,751 times

Last updated: Nov 15 '13