Navigation by kinect, Point Cloud to Laser Scan
I would like to navigate a Pioneer 3DX robot by Kinect sensor. It seems, that the simplest way to accomplish my goal is to convert PointCloud msgs to LaserScan msgs. I've launched 3dsensor.launch from turtlebot_bringup package to do the conversion. (ROS - Hydro, Ubuntu 13.10)
1) The problem is, 3dsensor.launch publishes no msgs on /scan topic.
2) What should I do next to accomplish navigation and get around obstacles?
Thank you in advance.
which version of ROS are you using ?
ROS - Hydro, Ubuntu 13.10
did you check your rostopic list after running the launch file ? Does it show "/scan" topic ?
Yes, but echo /scan is empty. I think the problem is, subscribes topics: /image & /camera_info, but openni_launch publishes msgs on /camera/rgb/camera_color & /camera/rgb/camera_info.