Strange results with robot_localization and navsat_transform_node
Hi to all, hi @tom-moore
I finally solved all the problems about my system configuration and now I'm able to integrate my GPS data in ekf_localization_node
by using the navsat_transform_node
I'm using two ekf_localization_node
instances: the first which includes only continuous data (/imu/data
, /husky_velocity_controller/odom
) and the second which includes also the gps data (/imu/data
, /husky_velocity_controller/odom
, /fix
The /odometry/gps topic publishes non-zero values, so I think it is working fine. The problem is that I obtain strange results in RVIZ and I can't understand the reason. It seems that the localization is not working properly, but I can't understand the reason.
In this test, the robot is moving forward, but RVIZ is showing random behavior.
This is my OLD recorded bag file, it contains only the related topics.
*EDIT 4 - May 04 2017 *
rosrun xsens_driver _frame_id:="base_imu"
[WARN] [WallTime: 1493887014.830545] Cannot find value for parameter: ~device, assigning default: auto
[WARN] [WallTime: 1493887014.832072] Cannot find value for parameter: ~baudrate, assigning default: 0
[WARN] [WallTime: 1493887014.833512] Cannot find value for parameter: ~timeout, assigning default: 0.002
[INFO] [WallTime: 1493887014.867422] Detected MT device on port /dev/ttyUSB0 @ 115200 bps
[INFO] [WallTime: 1493887014.867611] MT node interface: /dev/ttyUSB0 at 115200 bd.
[INFO] [WallTime: 1493887014.877234] Found parameter: ~frame_id, value: base_imu
[WARN] [WallTime: 1493887014.878095] Cannot find value for parameter: ~frame_local, assigning default: ENU
I used the compass on my Android device in order to align the IMU so the readings are not accurate at 100%, but they should give the idea about the output I get:
X: 0.00150562881026,
Y: 0.00796461943537,
Z: -0.605336606503,
W: 0.795928359032
Degree: -74 degrees
X: -0.00401881383732
Y: 0.00927101075649
Z: -0.929714620113
W: -0.368142217398
Degree: +136 degrees
X: 0.00913885235786
Y: -0.0002562062582
Z: -0.989742994308
W: -0.142566725612
Degree: +163 degrees
X: 0.00891534984112
Y: -0.00214970414527
Z: -0.877696692944
W: 0.479128926992
Degree: -122 degrees
X: 0.00407045986503
Y: 0.0111895436421
Z: 0.44247585535
W: 0.896631300449
Degree: +52 degrees
X: -0.00214476278052
Y: 0.0111895436421
Z: -0.225669115782
W: 0.974137365818
Degree: -26 degrees
X: 0.0114099625498
Y: 0.00554236397147
Z: -0.679173827171
W: 0.733830630779
Degree: -85 degrees
X: 0.0114099625498
Y: 0.00554236397147
Z: 0.0801176950336
W: 0.996705293655
Degree: +9 degrees
Output by using the IMU software:
North: -108 degrees
WEST: -40 degrees
SOUTH: +38 degrees
EST: +135 degrees
EDIT3 - May 01 2017
This screenshot has been made by using this bag file and this launch file.
During this test, the robot was commanded to follow a straight path.
I expect to see the odometry/gps
and the /husky_velocity_controller/odom
to be parallel (or coincident) to the /odometry/filtered/global
and /odometry/filtered/local
Fixed frame: map
Pink: /husky_velocity_controller/odom
Red: /odometry/gps
Green: /odometry/filtered/global
Blue: /odometry/filtered/local
Figure 1: results with odom
and map
frame changed like in ...
Can you please be more descriptive about what exactly is not right about the behavior? Maybe post a video, and say what you are expecting to see vs. what you are seeing? Apologies, it's just that viewing bag files can be very time-consuming.
Thanks for your help. I upload a video on Youtube. In the real test, the robot was moving straight forward for few meters while on RVIZ I see that it is drifting randomly like if there was an error on the odometry calculation. I can't explain why.
Pleases define "not working". Produce an rviz image (not video) like I did below. Tell me what each color represents, and please tell me what the "Fixed Frame" is in rviz.
I added the details as a new answer in order to make it readable.
Much clearer, and I have answers for you, but can you first make the view orthographic for me (TopDownOrtho setting under Views)? It will help a bit.
I also note that there are two sets of green arrows: one aligns precisely with the blue arrows (they are "mixed" together), and the other is slightly offset.
I edited the answer in order to add the TopDownOrtho view.
is affected by some jumps during the execution in RVIZ and this results in the green arrows with the offset close to the green/blue mixed arrows.If you watch this video you can see the jumps of the
with the green arrows.