catkin config --install and --no-install using same build dir?
With catkin_make (and earlier versions of catkin tools?) I was able to build to either devel or install, but with catkin config I have to clean and rebuild everything when switching from one to the other- it would be less trouble to use a two profiles:
Error: Attempting to build a catkin workspace using build space: "/home/lucasw/catkin_ws/build" but that build space's most recent configuration differs from the commanded one in ways which will cause problems. Fix the following options or use `catkin clean -b` to remove the build space:
- install: True (stored) is not False (commanded)
$ catkin clean -b
[clean] Warning: This will completely remove the following directories. (Use `--yes` to skip this check)
[clean] Build Space: /home/lucasw/catkin_ws/build
[clean] Are you sure you want to completely remove the directories listed above? [yN]: y
[clean] Removing buildspace: /home/lucasw/catkin_ws/build
Or is there another way to do it that uses the least amount of building and rebuilding? (The second profile approach still requires a duplicate build, but at least doesn't need to be deleted) It seems like if all the cmake args are the same then one build should be able to either be used in place or installed (or dynamic libraries are built differently?)