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(solved) Slam Generated Map Does Not Appear

asked 2018-05-02 01:52:48 -0500

DongHyeong Kang gravatar image

updated 2018-05-10 23:45:08 -0500

A few days ago I succeed mapping on my laptop

Now I trying to mapping as hector slam on raspberry pi3 (ubuntu mate)

By the way mapping not work on raspberry

I think the environment of raspberry is equal the environment of laptop

First my procedure is

  1. Downloading pakage about this project (Hector_Slam, ros_rplidar)

  2. building the files (catkin make) , setting a port

  3. modifying code of mapping_default.launch of hector_mapping file in hector slam.

     <param name="map_frame" value="map" />
     <param name="Base_frame" value="base_frame" />
     <param name="Odom_frame" value="base_frame" />
     <param name="pub_map_odom_transform" value="true"/> 
     <node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="map_nav_broadcaster" 
     args="0 0 0 0 0 0 /base_frame /laser 100"/>

    I did not modify anything else

The result of implementation is like this

image description

I changed fixed map : map , laser , base_frame and and added map on dispaly list (topic : /map)

a error not generate on terminal but also map not appear

what is problem??

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2 Answers

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answered 2018-05-03 23:13:28 -0500

DongHyeong Kang gravatar image

updated 2018-05-10 23:44:30 -0500

image description

I attach my tf tree screen shot

please see and tell me why mapping not work


This problem is error in building

after initialization raspberrypi , retry to building slam file

It is work

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For now I cab only be sure that /hecto_mapping is not publishing any topic with a map. But you hided the terminal with the information about the topics..
I think you should write parameters for the map size and resolution also..

billyDong gravatar image billyDong  ( 2018-05-04 04:52:31 -0500 )edit

billyDong gravatar image billyDong  ( 2018-05-04 04:54:34 -0500 )edit

Thank you so much billy So can I write them in mapping_default.launch? I’m sorry . Can I see the simple example??

DongHyeong Kang gravatar image DongHyeong Kang  ( 2018-05-04 05:31:31 -0500 )edit There you have the file that I use

billyDong gravatar image billyDong  ( 2018-05-08 04:22:55 -0500 )edit

answered 2018-05-02 10:07:16 -0500

billyDong gravatar image

updated 2018-05-02 10:07:30 -0500

Execute in the terminal: $ rosnode info /package_doing_the_slam and show the result.

Why do you have 3 parameters with the same name (map_frame)?

Show us your tf tree (use rqt)

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Sorry the parameters is wrong, one is map other is base_frame and the other is odom_frame

DongHyeong Kang gravatar image DongHyeong Kang  ( 2018-05-02 14:38:55 -0500 )edit

Why are the base and odom frame the same? Upload a picture with your tf tree and the topic list so that i can try to help you

billyDong gravatar image billyDong  ( 2018-05-03 04:23:27 -0500 )edit

ROS wiki said so. To Implement hector slam without odometry Look this link :

Ok I will post my tf tree today

DongHyeong Kang gravatar image DongHyeong Kang  ( 2018-05-03 13:12:48 -0500 )edit

billyDong I upload the picture

DongHyeong Kang gravatar image DongHyeong Kang  ( 2018-05-03 23:15:13 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2018-05-02 01:52:48 -0500

Seen: 582 times

Last updated: May 10 '18