set_pose Breaks robot_localization
Running the ekf_se_odom node with test1.bag I run into a problem when I publish /set_pose from RVIZ.
Upon publication to the set pose topic the odometry (viewable in RVIZ) stops moving. It remains fixed at the point where I initialized the new pose, and when I echo /odometry/filtered I see new messages are being published, but the pose is not changing, while the covariance continues to explode. This is a problem I ran into across two separate robot_localization setups I have, which usually work under all other conditions.
I imagine this maybe has something to do with RVIZ itself, but if someone has run into this before, or has some ideas to throw around, please let me know! And also if you need more information I can post that ASAP. This is something I have experienced in both melodic and kinetic.
Thanks, Jack